The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning good folks of Big Blue, it's close to 5:00 with temps at 56, heading to the mid-80's. Going to be that way through the weekend, then drop about 10 degrees for a while. Still no rain in the forecast, but I'm still dealing with weeds from the last time it rained. I pick a small bucket full just about everyday, then stop. There's more, but I'll tend to them tomorrow.

No appointments today, I might try a run to Costco, two things about that, get gas early in the morning, their station here opens at 6:00, but wait until mid-afternoon to shop, easier to find a parking space, plus the checkout lines are short. Ours has a self-check, but the lines there are always long. I usually like self-check, I use it a lot at Walmart. My choices are to wait behind a few folks that have full baskets, or go do it myself without waiting. My only complaint is with those @!!#$ bags, some are designed so the next one opens when you pull one off, others you have to fight each one to get open. Same goes for those in the produce dep't. Found a trick there, if you pick up a cucumber first, you get enough wax on your fingers that opening those produce bags are easier. That's my Tip of the Day..... Misngth 

No change here in gas prices, even though oil prices are dropping. They will say that it takes a few weeks for that to hit the pumps, but they have no qualms about raising prices in step with oil when it goes up.

Well, anyway, enjoy your day and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 11-03-2021, 06:19 AM

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