The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning. 
        I had to remove a bunch of wires that were no longer needed under the RV. I put my new headlight on and took them all down.  I love that light. I ordered 2 more for adult grandsons on Friday from Ebay and they delivered them Saturday, unbelievable service. 

         I removed the seats and the rubber floor mat from the motorhome and wire brushed what little rust there was, then I used Coroseal on the floor. I will put a coat of paint on it in a little while. I got a new carpet from an outfit in Florida I have some new parts left to install but i am getting close to being finished. It has been a year long project but no work was done during the winter months. I am looking forward to using it. 

         Don, several years ago I somehow hurt my back (I have no idea how) and after a night in the emergency room with a cat scan that found nothing they sent me to PT which was a total waste. I went to my chiropractor and she had me feeling better fast but there was something in the muscles and nerves that she couldn't get 100 percent so she asked me if she could let her masseuse work on me. She worked 15 minutes and it felt like she was inside my legs scrapping the bone, It was not pleasant but boy, she got to the root of the matter and I felt pretty good. I scheduled a half hour for the following week (30 bucks) and this time she went easy on me and I was really relaxed. I need to do that again soon. 

         I have already mowed the back yard, and I will do the front this evening. No other plans Prayers for everyone to stay healthy and safe, and prayers also for the end of the drought in most areas. 

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 08-15-2022, 09:10 AM

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