Big fan of PanPastels. Bought a good variety of grays, blacks, rusts a few years ago with some Christmas money, bought some cheap makeup brushes and wha la, I'm in the weathering business. I tend to weather with diluted acrylic paints and washes first to get some basic ideas on how I want something to go, then get out my PanPastels. Once I like what I've done (and that's sort of the beauty of the medium, you can wipe, blend and erode the coverage), I hit the model with Testor's Dullcote. I then may make some small additions and hit it with another blast of Dullcote to seal the work. I think I've only made a small dent in any color in about 5 years, and don't ever plan on buying replacements.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:

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