Interaction Hobbies Schaake Machine Works
A bit of progress.

I stained the main building and shed walls with A&I last night and left them under some books to keep them flat. I'll be painting them shortly. I'll also be looking through the stripwood bundle and pulling out the pieces that are used as trim and staining them as well.


I also removed the windows and doors from their sprues and sanded the edges flat. I think that are Tichy. Anyway I'm primering them in white as we speak and I'll be airbrushing them in a Vallejo Off-white when they are dry.

I may have to interupt this build as I have another small kit on the way that I have to finish before Christmas.

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RE: Interaction Hobbies Schaake Machine Works - by cnrglen - 12-01-2022, 11:42 PM

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