Steam Locomotive Terminals Operations
Charlie, the answer is - it depends.
Are you building a terminal for a short line, is it an intermediate servicing, or is this a large mainline servicing terminal? How large of a terminal typically dictates how many tracks are needed and how the flow of motive power flows through servicing.
there is not any set hardline of how the servicing order proceeds. But typically, the first act is dumping ash. The sand coal and water are usually all basically in the same general location. But the exact arrangement goes back a bit to how busy and big or small the whole facility is.
If I had to put it a sequence order - 1. Dump ash. 2. Wash / rinsing of the running gear. 3. Grease / lubrication. 4. Coal & Sand. 5. Water.

Then the locomotive is ready to be set out on the ready track or be put into the shop.


I don’t have a scanner at home, but here is layout of large terminal for handling steam.

This next image shows the layout arrangement of the PRR at East Altoona

Here’s one on IC

You can in looking at those various layouts, the size of the facility various with how many locomotives need to be cycled through.

A study of the drawings will also reveal the sequence order of how each railroad chose to approach the servicing aspects.

Messages In This Thread
Steam Locomotive Terminals Operations - by tompm - 05-10-2021, 08:59 PM
RE: Steam Locomotive Terminals Operations - by Charlie B - 01-08-2023, 06:38 PM

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