Constructing the Walthers Red X Cement Plant
As i mentioned, i already have one of these Red X Cement kits assembled and on the module next the the Valley Cement Silo Structure. Now that im more experienced with building kits (the first red x plant kit was constructed quite some time ago, and there are some seams that show :oops: LOL) im hoping i can get the seams on the silo structure down to a minimum. I dont see any way to completely make them disappear, as even filling them with filler still leaves a small seam. I decided to go a different route to see if it would work when assembling the silos.

First i glued them all together normally how they would go together, glued the roof on and then taped it down to hold it down in the proper location. Left that tape on and then worked on the joints where the silo pieces meet on both sides (4 joints total). I filled them with plastic cement, taped them so it was roughly a smooth edge where the to joined, and pressed them together to close the gaps that were left. This meant glue oozed out from the seams lol. Wiped the excess glue off and then applied some masking tape just as i did on the roof to hold the pieces together until they dried. Here is what the silo structure looked like after the tape was removed and the glue had dried, as you can see, its a mess and needs a good sanding....

[Image: SL373279.jpg]

[Image: SL373280.jpg]

[Image: SL373281.jpg]

While the tape was still on the silo structure holding it together while the glue dried, i assembled the large hopper car shed and the tall elevator shaft, here they are still unpainted:

[Image: SL373283.jpg]

More pics and progress to come soon!!!
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
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