The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, and happy Monday. No rain, nothing in the forecast except heat. It hit 105 yesterday, and suppose to get to 112 later this week, just a bit above normal. Our wildfire season has started early. Lots of smaller fires, several right now just north of the Phoenix metro area.

As for gas, Costco and Sam's are down to $3.45, others around $3.74. There's word that the cartel is making changes and so we can expect gas prices to go back up again soon. My how the big boys like to play games with our money. They have nothing to lose, we have nothing to gain.

Yup, starting the week off with a rant, so let's just try to do the best we can with the week that we have to work with. Remember, we have a build challenge started, we need to get more folks off their duffs and enter. Lots of categories so there's no excuse that there's nothing that fits.

Take care, have a good week.
Don (ezdays) Day
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