The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all and welcome to another weekend.

Tom, good that you're on the uptake, like any surgery, you really can't physically stress yourself and wind up back to square one. Just do what your body and doctors tell you to do.

No big changes here, temps at 113 the past few days, might drop down under 110 for a few days then back up. Who knows, I keep looking up in the sky for that big "H" they show on the weather map, and hoping an "L" will come along. As for gas, no big change there either, right now the only stations in Arizona that are below $3.00 are in Yuma. I think the California pipeline might pass through Yuma. I spent three years in the Air Force there, not fun, but I think of those that spent time in the Territorial prison (the one you see in many western movies), there back in the late 1800's with no A/C. We slept in tents until the built barracks. It's a good time to stay indoors whether you're in Yuma or Phoenix, it's hot out there yet there are still folks that think it's OK to go hike up some mountain with little water and wind up getting rescued, or worse. They now close many trails around 9AM in the Summer, but you still see video on the news of them picking someone off the side of a hill.

Enough about the heat, I hope everyone has a great and comfortable weekend... enjoy...
Don (ezdays) Day
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