An anniversary message from Mikey and Don
I wasnt a member of the old Big Blue for too long, but i do remember it before the switch to the other forum. When we switched to the other forum, it wasnt so bad for me in the beginning, but i noticed alot of the old members wernt too happy with the switch, some of them left, some of them stuck it out and stayed with the forum. I guess it was because i wasnt apart of the old Big Blue forum that i didnt really mind the switch up until about a month before Mikey, Don, and Pat opened up this beautiful new Big Blue Misngth Things just really started going down hill over there, and to be quite honest, i thought the forum was done for, and it would just keep getting worse everyday or i would just wake up one day to find the forum gone lol.

Getting that email from Mikey and Don about the grand opening of the new Big Blue was a great surprise, and i wasted no time coming over here lol. In fact, i remember i had logged onto my email that late afternoon at my girlfriends house and saw the email. I was exited and i went to the new forum and joined up right away. I finally got kicked off her computer about an hour after i had joined, she was getting annoyed because i was on the computer so long so she shut her laptop and drug me over to the bed to lay down LOL

Im proud to say im a member of the New Big Blue, and im glad to hear this place will be sticking around for a long while to come, as long as this place is around, it will always be my favorite place to hang out on the web Thumbsup Thumbsup Misngth

Mikey, Don, Pat, and all the Moderators, thank you guys for everything you do and have done, trust me, we appreciate everything you guys do here Cheers Cheers Cheers
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World

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