Hey all,
So I'm currently in the process of rebuilding my layout. Currently the bencwork is in place and I've got the basic plan...but now I need more than just the track plan... I need a 'region' to mimic for scenery and industrial purposes.

The plan is:

[Image: 3627103877_754025a0f8_o.jpg]

My motive power consists of a lot of steam and some early diesel locos. 2/3's are Canadian National, 1/3 is Canadian Pacific... I got some other locos that I got because their gorgeous (Challenger, Daylight) but are not prototypical of Canadian operations.... Out of my buildings, all I currently have thats not directly related to the main terminal is a Forestry Co. kit from Walthers.

Obviously I'm modeling Canada... but what would be a good area to use as an inspiration for my layout's scenery...and what should I call it? The Pacific South Eastern really doesn't work without the mountains. And this layout only has gentle rolling hills....
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> = Traction of the Pacific South Eastern

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