Chessie System-Athens Subdivision....
Finally this is the Athens-Armitage staging extension project that I talked about in earlier posts. These tracks curve back underneath the stairs and terminate into the backdrop of the Monday Creek Branch. Before this I had to back all trains into the yard but I added an engine escape track to solve that problem. Originally I had planned on connecting the PC track and running along the front of the existing benchwork which would have required me to add a narrow strip of plywood the the front. Then as I was looking at it, it occured to me that I could just simply connect the stub end track that I planned to remove and presto, no narrow strip required. Plus I think this looks a lot better than it would have. The turnouts in the back are difficult to reach at best so they are both remote. The disconnected PC main to the left will remain so although I will probably extend it parallel with the staging yard at some point. Well folks, that's all I have for now and I will try my best to not let it be three months before I post anything again. Thank you and enjoy.


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CandO7430 (The poster formerly known as IandOFan71)

T. Blackstone,
Division Superintendent,
Ohio Div, Chessie System Railroads

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