Chessie System-Athens Subdivision....
Thanks John. I coach soccer in the spring and having two teams doesn't leave much time for anything else. Now that it's warmer I spend a lot more time outside. As far as progress goes, I got all the control panels wired up today. I wish I could say that all is well but I had numerous electrical problems which I'm working through. The one that baffles me the most is in the yard. I have the pack powered up but the throttle is at zero. When I move the button on the selector to cab A, the locomotive takes off at full throttle until I move the selector to cab B then it stops. I can't for the life of me figure out why. It's funny how I labeled all the wires when I removed them from the old control panels and I swear that I reconnected all the wires correctly but something is different. I'm figuring it out little by little. I also think that I have a bad power pack so I'll be using an old one until I can get something better. That's all for now, I'll be sure to let everyone know when I get all the bugs worked out. Take care all.

CandO7430 (The poster formerly known as IandOFan71)

T. Blackstone,
Division Superintendent,
Ohio Div, Chessie System Railroads

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