West Ivy
Howdy Gang!

This will be the construction thread for the small layout I'll build in the interim between moving in and being settled (at which point I'll build the layout as planned here - <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.the-gauge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1290">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1290</a><!-- l --> )

I got tired of calling the smaller layout the Four-by-Six all the time so I made a passing comment to Loren (Nomad) that it needed a name. His creative brain churned out the name Ivy. You Roman numeral fans may be able to figure out where it came from. I added the 'West' since ridge or hill or creek, etc. just didn't sound quite right to my ears.

Basically it's a 4'x6', HO scale, standard gauge 'display layout' (read: continuous loop). There are no real operations to speak of, only a passing track that serves a more scenic function by offering a place to display equipment or keep a second train handy so I don't spend so much time taking equipment on and off the layout. There's also one siding located off the passing track which again, I suppose could be switched but really is there as a scenic feature, just for the diorama attached to the siding.

Last weekend I managed to build a set of rolling legs to fit under the layout base and this week I've been taking stock of what materials I've already got. I had, at one time, imagined I might use Bachmann EZ track (steel rail) but testing revealed the need to clean the black crud off the rails often, whether dry or 'wet' (light oil on rail, a la Wahl Clipper oil). Since that time I have stripped the code 100 NS rail off some old TruScale roadbed and plan to use it. I have a few wooden ties as well as a few #6 turnouts (also TruScale).

Along with the lumber for framing the legs I purchased a 4x8 sheet of pressed fiber board (celotex) for roadbed. Homasote is tough to come by up here and this was available readily. Construction adhesive will hold this to the foam base, and yellow carpenter's glue will hold the ties to the pressboard. Rail will be spiked by hand. Turnouts may be relaid from the TruScale solid base onto turnout ties on the layout - at least the hard work of building the turnout rail is done.

More to come - Photos will follow soon!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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