West Ivy
American Tool & Die. Might become 'Acme Tool & Die'...we'll see how tricky it would be to kitbash/condense the sign kit.

I started this diorama 5-6 years ago from an ERTL/RDA kit. The smaller stone building is the boiler house. It will receive an old grayed wood addition around two sides for additional character (and to make it look less like what came with the kit...already it's still too similar). There is a loading grate in the tracks for a hopper of coal.

The larger brick building had been a fairly boreing, basic rectangle. I shortened the long sides by 1/4, enabling me to make the loading area with three large doors and creating a more interesting L shape. The clapboard addition is scratched above the short wing of the L, and the second floor on that wing has been painted inside to be an office...perhaps. I'm not thrilled with how that came out.

Basically the building is done, but still needs additional detailing and weathering. It will receive a box car load of raw metal, tool parts, shipping crates, etc. and ship out a finished, machined product.

Again, it's less about operation (so no car cards to pull or set out, etc.) and more about scenic function. I contemplated even making the siding non-functioning Eek but my oldest likes to see cars switched around so it'll work for his sake.


More to come!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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