Chessie System-Athens Subdivision....
Morning all,
After a few days of staring at the schematic for my layout and scratching my head and testing things of come to the conclusion that I have two bad powerpacks. The Tech II pack at Logan yard has a bad something in it's innards which was causing the power to be wide open. When I set the block to the main control panel (Cab A) I had no problems but when I set the block to the yard cab the engine would take off like a shot until I shut down the block. I hooked up an old pack to test my wiring and the problem went away and it works fine.
The second pack is on the Armitage/Lancaster staging control panel. For some reason the power just drops off. I have two automatic turnouts wired up to it and I can throw them about two or three times and then the motors just buzz and won't throw. The locomotives also slow to a stop at full throttle. Puzzling at the very least but again I wired up an old powerpack and it works just fine. I'm at a loss with those two packs but at least I know that I wired the layout correctly. My knees weren't looking forward to crawling around on concrete to check wires. I'll just use the old packs for now until I can replace them sometime in the future.
I'm taking the main out of service just north of the PC crossing for some emergency track replacement. I have two pieces of flextrack coming together in the middle of a curve and you all know how problematic that can be. I'm going to splice in a couple curve sections which should fix it. Once that's done I'm going back over the whole layout and glueing down all the track that I have been fiddling with during this process. That's about all I've got for now as far as an update. One of these days I'll get some more scenery done so I can post some pics. Take care all until next time.

CandO7430 (The poster formerly known as IandOFan71)

T. Blackstone,
Division Superintendent,
Ohio Div, Chessie System Railroads

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