Chessie System-Athens Subdivision....
CandO7430 Wrote:I'm taking the main out of service just north of the PC crossing for some emergency track replacement. I have two pieces of flextrack coming together in the middle of a curve and you all know how problematic that can be. I'm going to splice in a couple curve sections which should fix it. Once that's done I'm going back over the whole layout and glueing down all the track that I have been fiddling with during this process. That's about all I've got for now as far as an update. One of these days I'll get some more scenery done so I can post some pics. Take care all until next time.


Tyler, I guess it's to late but as advised on another tread on this forum, my grandson and I soldered his track together into 6' sections prior to bending around the curves and it worked great.

Any day I can run my O gauge trains or ride the full sized ones is a great day.

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