Walther's New Steel Industry ~~ **Future Plans**
Trucklover Wrote:
doctorwayne Wrote:Josh, whatever works for you is what will work for the scene. I don't have the room, even if I used my entire layout room, to do a to-scale rendition of a steel plant. Almost 40 years ago, I was scratchbuilding a model of a very large blast furnace. Had I been able to afford to finish it, it would have occupied almost half of the Chippawa Creek aisle on my layout. You have to pick the aspects that are most interesting to you, then use some of the other interesting elements to create the backdrop and surrounding scene. Tracks disappearing behind or into various buildings are your connections to the unmodelled sections of the plant. The layout of the plant doesn't have to be totally logical, as it would in real life, although many real plants are laid out in what appears to be a haphazard and inefficient manner simply because they grew that way over the years.


Wayne you have been a big help to me on this subject. You have made me think and get some ideas flowing through my head on how to lay things out. Right now, im thinking i will modeling 2 Blast Furnaces Kitbashed together with the Blower Engine House connected to the furnaces with the piping kits. Nxet to this and offest to the left will be a MASSIVE BOF, 56" long, 14" wide and 22" high, with some truck docks along the left wall and some rail docks along the long side. Piping and other details will help tie in the BOF with the Blast Furnaces. Offset from the BOF, would be a small backdrop building, by small i mean narrow and would serve as a very long backdrop representing an Open Hearth Furnace. The Rolling Mill which would be 64" long, 11" wide, and 10" tall would come in about half way down the Open Hearth Furnace backround building, which would still be visible towering over the rolling mill. Beyond the Rolling Mill would be a serious of small buildings where the steel would be cast into various parts and shipped out via boxcars and flatcars, containers and trucks. Basically the small buildings would take the huge coils, slabs.... of steel from the rolling mill and make them smaller and into parts for machines or anything else that might come on order from Manufactures around the world....

Beyond those would be the Tri-State Power Authority, a huge sub-station and a ton of High Tension Towers providing power to the whole Steel Mill. This is what i am thinking so far, i just have to get it into a plan lol

Truck I was going to chime in on this subject but Doc did a fine job .You know how I work and dreaming works
great for me I love it Cheers .Boy have I got a list to show you 35

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