Fiddle Yards?
doctorwayne Wrote:My staging yards are meant to act as fiddle yards, with the 0-5-0 playing a major role. While the yards are capable of being switched by a locomotive, the operating scheme, once all of the layout trackwork is in place, is to be by car cards and waybills. Cars arriving at a staging yard will be considered to have either reached their final destination or to be "in transit" to same. They will be removed from the layout and returned to their boxes on the storage shelves below, then replaced with other suitable cars for the next outbound train. Other than for servicing, locos will remain on the layout.

Thanks, Wayne. I hope to do something this as well, but obviously on a much smaller scale! I hope to simply have two storage sidings where I can park extra trains. I wouldn't mind trying a card and waybill system as well but I'm still trying to understand how they work and how I could apply them to a small layout. As mentioned, I do have an Inglenook set of sidings in the middle of the layout, so I can shunt and reposition freight cars before sending a train out to its destination. Rob
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