Advice re Agawa Canyon Tour Train?
To celebrate my impending 50th birthday Eek Eek Eek , my wife & I are thinking about going on the Agawa Canyon train in late-September but are a little concerned about the long journey which is apparently 9 or 10 hours from Toronto. How difficult a drive is it? Just curious if anyone — who has gone on this train trip before -- has any tips or suggestions. I believe you can you do the whole thing in 3 days (i.e. Allow two days for driving in either direction & one day for the train).

One of our concerns is that we’d have to leave our two young sons with friends and would not want to do this for more than three days / two nights — it would be too hard on our friends! Eek Goldth

Also, are there more than one tour train? I seem to have come across two different websites/railway companies?! Of course, I'd be interested in going the more retro/1950s train.

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OK, I've just read further on one of the websites and there ARE two different trains that share the same line. This is all news to me but I'm sure excited if it would be possible to go on a 1950s train. Again, open to advice and feedback.

Thanks in advance,
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