E-paw's kitbash summer '09 challenge
The operators shed is almost complete. It's made from some left over siding and roofing from a laser kit I completed a few years back. The window is a cut down DPM, and the door is scratch built.    

While that dries I started an the base for the apron. I wanted a pored concrete portion next to the sea wall to support it . I started by marking off the aria to get covered, then masked it off with 3 layers of tape. The tape will give me the right thickness for the pour. I then spread some Spackle over the foam. After an hour or so I pealed the tape off leaving a nice crisp edge. When that dried fully I scribed expansion joints and cracks in it.    

Afterwards I painted it with some craft store paint that matches Polly Scale aged concrete. When it dries I give it some weathering.    
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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