Need some doggie medicine help.
So basically, while they're not going to do you any harm, don't expect miracle cures. YMMV, of course, and there's always the placebo effect.[/quot

Icon_lol Squidbait: Placebo effect? Tanks pretty smart & he understands english pretty well--- BUT I doubt that telling him "this stuff will make you feel better" would work well at all !!

Well , I might have been wrong about Tank not understading about "Placebo" ---his Rimadyl is the ONLY pill I have ever given him that I didn't have to hide in food or something -- at first I wrapped in some food but after a few days as soon as he saw me getting it out of the bottle he was right there trying to get it straight from my hand--- ever since then I just give it to him & he eats it right up. Either he figured out thats what is making him feel better ,or it tastes REALLY GOOD.
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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