Poor shipping service
nolatron Wrote:It could very well be a generic message being displayed. Who knows what happened to driver. Perhaps there was a vehicle issue, driver problems, or a number of other reasons the caused a delivery attempt to be missed. I've had a couple packages by all 3 major carriers simply get "rescheduled" for the following day with no reason given. It's annoying, but I know things happen.

Very poor customer service. When I get a "No attempt made" message, the picture I get is the driver getting the parcel, looking at it, saying "Aw heck, I don't feel like delivering this." and tossing the parcel into the 'return' bin or the garbage bin. If there are problems, let the customer know (ie mechanical problems, driver schedule etc). That way, there won't be as much of a bad taste in the customer's mouth.

Maybe if they sent an invoice, I wonder if they don't mind it being sent back unpaid with the brief message "No attempt made" explaining why the invoice was not paid.

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