Island layouts
MountainMan Wrote:Tell me about it... Wallbang

....... I keep having this nightmare feeling that I'm wasting a lot of space. :?

I think that we all have that nightmare, MountainMan, but the aisles shown in the sketch are really pushing the "narrowness" limit. If there's anyone likely to be using that room, even simply passing through, that approaches the "wide load" Wink Misngth description, you may be wise to "waste" even more layout area for aisle space. Just because someone can squeeze through doesn't mean that they can do so without causing damage to the layout. Eek

Another thing to consider is aisle widths in conjunction with your mountain scenery (and layout height, too). With narrow aisles and a high (eye-level) layout, or mountainous terrain at any similar height, the room could become somewhat claustrophobia-inducing.

If you're planning on using the closet as a work space, consider placing your staging area there, perhaps on a shelf. Of course, you'd need an access hole through the wall, but it wouldn't need to be large, and could be easily repaired if the need to move ever arises.

The aerial tramway sounds like a good idea for the scenario you've described - I recall seeing something similar in RMC not too long ago.

Finally, as far as your layout ideas starting a "war", I don't see it as very likely, especially here. Even when folks use a trackplan from a book, and use only the same r-t-r stuff that's available to anybody, they still, somehow, manage to put their own personal "stamp" on it. After all, every layout, I think, is the artistic expression of its builder. There's a guy near me modelling Area 51 - certainly not my thing, but then again, it's not my layout, either, nor my place to criticise. Build what you like and enjoy it. Goldth


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