Island layouts
steinjr Wrote:
MountainMan Wrote:Tell me about it... Wallbang

Thanks for the input. I'll factor that in and keep mulling it over. I keep having this nightmare feeling that I'm wasting a lot of space. :?

The objective does not have to be to fill the room with layout. Your stated objective was to to fit in a layout into the room, without too badly compromising other uses of the room (access to bathroom, window, patio doors and closet). If you need access to all those doors and windows, then you pretty much need those aisles in Charlie's proposal (as in my first drawing).

But if the real objective is to totally minimize space used for aisles, then just block the all doors and windows except the hallway door, put a liftout or swing gate by the hallway door and create e.g. an around the walls layout with a central peninsula like this: Stein

Confuscious say cutting off doorway to bathroom bad idea. Confuscious also politely point out is RENTAL and hols in walls cannot be charged off to fieldmice. Big Grin

I do not, however, have any problems sacrificing the use of the window if necessary, although it is major source of natural illumination. hat I can get arund.

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