Island layouts
MountainMan Wrote:This is a very conservative crowd, which has not shown itself too amenable to radically new ideas in the past, which is where modelers are firmly rooted in the first place.

I appreciate the thought, though.

I don't think its conservative as much as it is "bigger is better" and "fill the room with a Godzilla layout" that we read about in magazines and layout books.

What it really boils down to is the modeler's skills,finances,time allotment and understanding their needs based on a attainable goal..We need to consider the operation-solo or group and ease of maintaining the layout-usually solo.

IMHO there is nothing as discouraging as finding we bit off more then we can chew in designing a layout-including a round the wall layout-with unattainable goals based on popular layout ideas.

A layout must meet the modelers needs and if it doesn't then its folly to build it.

Summerset Ry

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