A few additions to my locomotive roster and a rebuild
I did say I managed to install DCC & sound in the CNR Pacific and here are a few shots of the 99% complte locomotive and tender. I still need to add a front coupler and give it some weathering and paint the wires running between the locomotive and tender.Some how I missed them and did not notice until I was resizing the photos this evening. :oops: The weathering will be done once I have a few more locomotives finished so I can do them all at once.


I am happy with how this one turned out. I gave it a slightly glossy look for the cab and tender. The boiler was painted with an almost flat finish and the smoke box and fire box got a flat finish. The black paint I used was the new True Line Trains warm black acrylic paint. It also got the round Canadian National monogram as I model the late 1950's and most passenger locomotives got the round monogram by then. I wanted it to have a fresh shopped look. It runs very nice and sounds great as well. I will be happy to give it some weathering though as I find the white walls on the drivers and pilot and trailing truck wheels is so bright it looks like a parl locomotive. Goldth

A few thoughts on the TLT warm black paint I used. I find this to be a very nice water based acrylic. It is airbrush ready right out of the bottle and spray very nice with a slightly glossy look. This is good for decaling. I decaled the 4-6-2 right over the paint without adding a gloss finish with no problems. I also find for steam locomotives the warm black is a very nice black. it is designed for indoor viewing and I find it looks good.

Wayne Reid

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