A few additions to my locomotive roster and a rebuild
Even though the 4-6-0 seemed to be in bad shape I decided to tackle it while I am waiting for the decoder and speaker for the mikado.
I decided my first move would be to see if it would run and if so how good would it run. I decided to try and get it running with the paint still on the drive as it was already together. I gave it a little oil and fixed the wires. The test run would be on regular DC power. Seeing as it has a factory can motor I was hoping it worked well so I could keep it. If the gearbox turned out to be noisy I would replace it with a NWSL gearbox.

Well I got my first big surprise. Even though the locomotive an tender looked very rough it turn out the drive ran real well. Very quiet and smooth. It would creep along so slow it took it about 4 minutes to go 3 feet. Eek The factory gearbox was even very quiet. It is looking like my $100 was very well spent. This is got to be the best running one I have bought yet. It even creeps slower than the new test run only mikado.

With the big boost in excitement from the drive working so well I decided to tackle the broken tender ladder. I have never had much luck scratch building brass ladders and seeing as the original was only missing one of the top loops I decided to see if there was a way of fixing it. My first move was to make a new loop.

Original broken ladder and the new side piece. The side piece was made from a piece of small brass flat bar.

My idea was to thin out the original broken side post with a good sharp file and solder the new piece over top of it. Granted this will make that side post a little thicker than the other side but once painted it should not be to noticeable. After about an hour of carefull filing I was able to solder the parts together.

It turned out good and just needs to be mounted on the tender.

Wayne R

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