Ezday's scratchbuild 09 summer challenge
ezdays Wrote:For the record, I have finished my project. The grand opening for this Denny's has already come and gone. There were free Grand Slam breakfasts, all the coffee you could drink for one low price of $10, and they even brought in a few hundred Happy Meals since they ran out of pancakes early on. :oops: We are still taking pictures and want to see how everything looks at night. Right now they have a conditional C of O, pending the hookup to the city water and sewer. They do have power though, just don't try to flush one of the toilets just yet.

I will post pictures as early as I can tomorrow. Right now I'm helping out in the kitchen, cleaning up after the grand opening, and trying to wash dishes without a sink. Icon_lol They borrowed a tub and a long hose from the Shell station down the street. Eek Man, I don't know where the plumber went, but I doubt that the health dep't will allow this to continue. Nope Nope

Thanks for letting us know after the fact. I didn't have to buy dinner for my guys as they missed the dead line also. They claim it was my fault because the material wasn't there on time. That was the supplier. Besides they couldn't have made it any ways. Buy the way are we supposed to buy this?
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