A few additions to my locomotive roster and a rebuild

I will be using the TSU-750 ( micro Tsunami ) light steam decoder. I would have prefered the regular TSU-1000 light steam decoder but it is to big to fit in the tender or the boiler. The down side to the TSU-750 micro sound decoder is it is only rated for 750 mah for the motor control compared to 1 amp for the TSU-1000. I have not done a stall test on the can motor in the ten wheeler but I would guess it most likely will draw more a little than 750 mah when stalled at 12 volts. The good news is it is not to often a steam locomotive stalls out without the drivers slipping first. I am also making sure the ten wheeler is weighted in such a way it will pull train lengths that will suit my needs up a 1.5% grade. Anything more than that the drivers will slip. I did the same thing for my CNR pacific which has a TSU-750 micro Tsunami medium steam in the boiler ( small tender and no room in the boiler for a regular Tsunami ) and so far after several hours running on a friends layout the decoder has preformed just fine. If by some chance the locomotive stalls out with no driver slip and the decoder blows the motor circuit I will just have to either replace the decoder or have it fixed.

Thanks for the tip about using metal screen to make a coal load shape and covering it with coal. I never even thought about using metal screen. I will have to give it a try as it sounds a little easier to do than the fiberglass bubble I made.

Wayne Reid

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