Another Car Question
I hate the Traction Control System in my van. I turn it off everytime I hop in, especially during the winter months. I like to "feel" the traction slip...lets me know when I've reached that threshold and tells me I need to throttle back. Plus, its a damn nuisance in deep snow. just have to giver' in order to keep moving in the deep stuff. The TCS doesn't let you do that.

The last two vehicles I've owned have been Honda. A 2000 Civic bought brand new which was the cat's meow (buyers remorse...should have never traded it in...) and currently an Odyssey.

The later vehicle is a lemon. Absolutely hate the thing. Popped its tranny just after warranty expired (just over 90,000 klicks) and well it just feels cheap. With a growing family, I thought we needed the space, when honestly, we probably could have made due. As it stands we will drive this one into the ground before we break down and pony up the cash for another vehicle. Curse

Honestly, if I didn't need to own a vehicle, I wouldn't. Huge waste of money and resources especially when you live in a city like Toronto.

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