40 foot boxcar rebuild
For the back of the door inside the car, I took some "corrugated" sheet plastic and cut it to fit inside behind the door.

[Image: 10.jpg]

Then I glued it in and painted the inside of the boxcar white. It took a few coats to cover the dark plastic.

[Image: 11.jpg]

As the white paint dried, I went back to the floor and painted the boards various colors of grays and antique white.

[Image: 12.jpg]

After the paint dried, I used a black wash on the floor.

[Image: 13.jpg]

And a brown wash on the inside ofthe boxcar. At this point, I also cut off the original bottom sills.

[Image: 14.jpg]

Then glued the floor into the body.

[Image: 15.jpg]

After scraping the rivets and paint off from behind the door, I glued it in place. Also cut and installed the new bottom sill.

[Image: 17.jpg]

[Image: 18.jpg]

And now it just needs some paint on the doors and sills, some new weathering, and a coat of dullcote. I'll post that once I get all that finished, but it may be a few days....
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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