Building a rough/basic layout for a child
Santa is bringing my 5 year old some N scale this year. Bulletproof Bachmann stuff on good Atlas track. I will be Santa's helper and build the layout for my son (somebody has to, right?). He too is into switching, oddly. His mind seems to work in steps and stages and the sequence of things...hmmm...wonder where he got that from?

I've been warned/urged to go with HO but budget does not allow this year. The N scale stuff is mine from 20 years ago. I'm setting aside the nicer rolling stock and have gathered a set of 8-9 cars plus matching diesel/caboose combo for him. His fine motor skills have always been ahead of the curve so I hope he can handle the small size without getting too discouraged. I've got a thread started on the N forum about this...when the layout building commences I'll probably start a new one in the layouts forum.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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