Stein's Minneapolis Warehouse district 1957 (HO)
Good grief - seven weeks since I last worked on my layout. Getting into shape again takes a lot more time than I thought - I have been spending about 6-8 hours a week on working out for the last two months. It is helping pretty good - have lost about 20 lbs of weight and am in far better shape, but the layout has been totally dormant during this period.

Time to get back to the layout. Today I cleaned out again all the storage stuff that magically gets put into my train room by someone when I am not actively working on the layout, so I have some work room to extend the edges of the sections up to also cover the side of the styrofoam, so I get a totally tight fit between two neighboring sections and still can take em apart and put them back together.

Hope to start laying track for my warehouse district on Sunday.


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