An engine servicing facility for the JGL
I just read through this thread and, wow, I have really been missing out! This entire thread is just incredible. And in the words of my generation "Dude, your layout is sick!" I think the entire area is well planned, and I think your corporate headquarters building is exceptional. If you don't mind one little criticism, I thought the guardrail by the road side appeared about a foot too tall. Of course, this may be a difference in era (all I've seen is modern style guardrails) or even locale. I am extremely impressed with all the work you have showcased in this thread and definitely believe your modeling skills to be among the best I have seen.

As for the ballast, In my honest opinion, any track that is not considered main line would likely have a cheaper grade of ballast. I think cinders would look very appropriate for that MOW/loading dock area.

Thanks for sharing your work. I have bookmarked this thread for future reference.

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