WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Beamish Wrote:
sgtcarl1 Wrote:(sighs) Yeah, I guess it wold be a bit far to drive!! But, don't be surprized that everything is square and level!! It looks to me like you know what you're doing!! And, I'm glad you aren't using nails! It takes 10 nails to equal the holdiing power of one screw!!! Eek

I have made the debate of screw vs nail many times and seen that there is pros to both. I have some experience in demolition of wood structures and here is the thing I noticed. Nails tend to bend instead of breaking. Try knocking out an existing stud and look at the results. Screws are so hard that they will break off rather than bend. The screws just don't have the shear strength that nails do. However after doing some internet research I have found people that like both methods. In my DIY and construction I tend to use a combination of the two.

I'd use a nail gun and nails for framing. Experience tells me it makes for sturdy and strong structure. Even when framing my deck I used galvanized nails for the joists, however I did use screws for the actual decking on top. It think when buidling something this large you have to look at the how eventually it all ties in together. A wall by itself will fall over and or break when someone sneezes. Four walls bolted to a concrete foundation, plus a roof on top, and all sheathed in plywood fastened together by whatever mechanical means will create a solid and durable structure that should last many lifetimes.

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