18th St. LA
Hi folks!

This will be my first post on this forum, so I thought it would be good to start of well and post some pictures of what I'm modeling at the moment.

The last two years I became more and more interested in US prototype model railroads. So much, that I began thinking of building my own layout, "US style". However, before modeling a proper railroad, I've been building a mini-layout as a start. The layout is far from perfect, but the main purpose is to try out new techniques and to see what's it like to model the US-prototype. The result so far is shown below. Some photo's and stories of building this thing will follow soon.

I will use this mini-layout as testbed for more new things I would like to try out, while designing a new layout.

Kind regards from The Netherlands! Wieger

[Image: 18thst2.jpg]

[Image: 18thst3.jpg]

[Image: 18thst4.jpg]

[Image: 18thst5.jpg]

[Image: 18thst1.jpg]

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