New York Harbor Model Railroading
Since I didn't want to keep hijacking Stein's thread between Tetter's, Stein's and my own ballasting "tests", I thought I'd continue things here, since I am not on any one topic at the moment.
So anyway, it turns out I have some photos here at work of my previous ballasting efforts with the charcoal-colored sanded tile grout.

[Image: CIMG0645.jpg]

[Image: CIMG0643.jpg]

[Image: CIMG0642.jpg]

[Image: CIMG0641.jpg]

As you can see, there is a whitish cast to the dried grout that I have spoken about before. We'll see if a wash of ink or paint fixes things. For more info on this in case you are new to the discussion, check out Stein's thread at - <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=183&start=150</a><!-- l -->


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