Officially unemployed
Sorry to hear that. It is tough losing a job. I know. The thingthat helped me was, I didn't think about it. I just held my head up and kept telling myself "To hell with them...I'm better then they are.!"
I have to agree with that saying "One door closes..another one opens."
I was laid off last March. I tell you, the place sucked. Always had the fear of someone coming up to you with a piece of paper telling you to "Sign this..You're being written up for no reason", The place was run like a police state. You couldn't go to the bathroom without raisng your hand and asking permission. The only reason I stayed was it was paying the mortgage. The best thing they did was lay me off. The only thing I'll miss is the people that I met(but still stay in contact with on Facebook)

Week beforeThanksgiving, I got hired at another place, doing pretty much the same thing(Inspection). I got lucky. The place I'm at is hiring like crazy. They just expanded their operations. The good thing. I work by myself, no ones looking over my shoulder telling me "You're doing that wrong!" even if I was doing it right. They love when you suggest improvements, and give you credit for it.(Unlike the other place where you suggest an improvement to your superviser, he tells you it won't work, then a few days later, they make the improvement that your boss "suggested" ) I love it here. Its one of those jobs that you can't wait to get there.

What is irony?
Last week, my old boss, who walked me out, wrote me up for piddly little crap, stole all my suggestions, was walked through the shop for a job interview(I had gotten word through my FB contacts still working there he had gotten laid off, back in July)
He came and shook my hand like we were old buddies, gave me one of those "help me out winks".
Sorry pal......Not this time.

So don't ever give up. It may turn out better.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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