2018 Big Blue Monster Energy NASCAR Racin'
Chet Wrote:I have been a NASCAR fan since I saw my first race in 1957 when they were racing on the sand at Daytona. I was also at tragic race at Daytona when Dale Earnhardt lost his life.

What I don't like is the way NASCAR has been trying to tweak the format. I personally can't stand the stage racing and their stupid 5 minute rune in the pits for any damage caused in a crash that for many drivers were no fault of their own.

I used to try to attend three or four races each year which can get expensive because I live in Montana, far away from most tracks. I will not spend the time that it takes to drive to the races or spend the money. (it's actually cheaper to drive because air fares from smaller airports are a lot more expensive than flying out of large cities). We really enjoyed our road trips to races all across the country, spending time to visit the area and attractions in the area where the race was.

Not only will I not attend and races in person, I also will not spend any money on NASCAR gear. Just about all of my NASCAR friends do not like the stage racing wither. I am a charter member of the NASCAR Fan Club and have expressed my feelings about the stage racing ever since the first season it was in effect.

NASCAR has done a really great job when it comes to safety, both in the car for the drivers and the safer barriers, but why can't they just let the drivers race?
You're right... There's a LOT of disgruntlement amongst the older seasoned fans. NASCAR or NASCRUD as I've heard them called, has pretty much told us old folks that they no longer give a hoot about us.

EVERYTHING they do now is geared to make money, make TV ratings (which garners more money) and sell tickets, toys, cars, and other collectibles (that make money). The contracts that the France family made with these TV providers and the other main sponsors; Xfinity, Monster and Camping World all want huge returns, so NASCAR has to deliver.

This means catering to younger people that will go to races and watch broadcasts (ratings) so they can justify what they paid NASCAR to be the premier sponsor.

It's totally changed from a bunch of families running on weekends for bragging rights or for grudge matches to a Billion Dollar industry trying to go up against football and baseball for ratings for 5 hours on a weekend. They are doing everything they can to get warm bodies in all the seats and on the couches watching from home. So, we watch for as long as we want and then turn the channel.

I've seen about an hour each race so far. I go to nascar.com to get the points after the races for our Fantasy League. I try to watch the Indy 500 & Coca Cola 600 on Memorial Day weekend, but that's about it except for the last few races in November.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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