Empire Coal Corp. - Kitbash
Just a thought:

When a "mistake" is made,( and I certainly make my share of them ) there is damage.
OK so the "mistake" is a scribe line, that was not needed.....so, what could have caused that "blemish" to the prototype structure?, and what "repairs" would have been economically justified?, and.....this is the good part......how can I replicate those "economically justified repairs"?
Call it hiding your mistakes in plain sight, if you'd like, but it's an opportunity to add a bit of "extra detail".

I use a product called Apoxie Sculpt, a 50/50 mix putty, that sands smooth. Squadron putty, thinned in place with a fine brush, and some Testors liquid cement, could also be used to fill the scribe line, at least to the point where it won't be immediately noticeable, when sanded and painted. The end result could then be "detailed" with some running rust, streaked down from the "damage", in the more noticeable areas.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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