Backdrop Height - your thoughts wanted
I like high benchwork too, my top level averages about 60" and I like it a lot. Regarding height of the backdrop, I like the idea of not bringing it all the way to the ceiling, to make the room less claustrophobic. That said, I have a similar situation and my backdrop goes all the way to the ceiling, somewhat like your situation, I have a row of lolly columns sandwiched by the double sided backdrop. I never thought to consider a partial height backdrop. One thing I would do before deciding is too determine layout height, then mock up a scene and put your camera on a tripod and view what you get thru the viewfinder when you attempt a "down the tracks" photo. As the layout extends away from the camera, the top edge of the backdrop will appear at some point. Perhaps just make sure it is high enough to allow the composition of photos?

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