Backdrop Painting
upstatedave Wrote:I am in that stage of my layout where I need to imitate some trees on my backdrop.I have painted the backdrop light blue for sky and a dark grey to imitate the distant hills. I wolud like ot give the illusion of trees and foilage in the distance. Anyone with any painting tips for this would be greatly appreciated. I am not a telented painter when it comes to this sort of! Thanks in advance....Dave

I think I may be able to offer some advice:
1) Practice. Practice, and more practice. If you have little painting experience, it is doubtful you will be satisfied with your first, or even second attempt. I would suggest getting pieces of masonite (or whatever you plan to use for your backdrop), a variety of paint colors and brushes, and going out to your yard or patio and just practice painting what you see. I would suggest priming the masonite (or whatever you will be using) white, and using acrylic paints.
2) take a walk around the neighborhood and observe the way things are, and how the way things truly are is different from the way your brain thinks they should be. Perhaps take a pencil and sketch book and sketch a few scenes. Note the muted colors of things in the difference, the color of sky, the way shadows work, perspectives, et cetera. You will notice that tree leaves aren't always green, tree trunks not always brown, and mountains not as steep as you think they are. Or brains have a preconceived notion as to what a tree or mountain should look like, and beginners will often paint what they think they see rather than what they actually do see.
3) I think backdrops are more believable when they only show things in the distance at low-detail. If you want to show details of buildings or trees, I think photo backdrops would work better. You want your backdrop to be exactly that - a backdrop. You want your viewer to not even notice it is there. The more detail you try and put onto your backdrop, the more it will draw attention to the 2-d surface, and the less believable it becomes.
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