Bonus Room Shelf Layout
ocalicreek Wrote:Nolatron - I wondered if that was possible, but didn't want to invest heavily in the tracks until I'd done a bit more research. I was afraid mounting the bracket on the rail at such a low point would put undue stress on one spot...but if that stress is spread up the full height of the rail it makes sense. Hmmm...and a low valance would go further to hide the brackets... Also, how do you like the sheet metal for a backdrop?

Yeah, I had the same worries about the stress initially but it worked really well. The heavy duty standards and brackets I used had weight limit with a 12" bracket was something like 200-300 pounds. More than enough for a shelf layout. You can but a single track the height you want for the layout then put on bracket on the very bottom for the layout itself and fascia, then add on to the very top for the valance fascia and lighting. Works and looks great!

I really liked using the flashing for the backdrop because it was a pretty easy setup and gave a very smooth backdrop surface. I've others using vinyl floor sheets (or scraps) in the same manner, using the *back* side of the flooring as the painting

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