Workspace Lighting
How much clearance (headroom) do you have beneath that duct? The ideal location for a fluorescent fixture would be roughly above the front edge of the bench - any farther back and it will create shadows between you and any work which is on the bench. Since your ceiling joists appear to be accessible, why not hang a single tube fixture (an under-counter style might work) from the joists, using either chain or two lengths of wood. Using wood would allow you to turn the fixture on its side, lessening the amount that it hangs down. A length of sheet aluminum could be used to fashion a reflector, or, you could simply use a 4' section of aluminum duct - instead of snapping it closed to form a duct, spread it further open, then pop-rivet it to the fixture's housing.
This would make your uppermost shelf inaccessible, so you'd need to lower it so that it's within view.


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