The Union Pacific Elmwood Route
A bit of progress report on the layout.

Things began rolling along will installing the bridge piers and get that all situated. I first painted the abutments with a wash of Woodland Scenic slate paint, and then used some styrene pieces to raise the bridge up to the benchwork top.

[Image: IMG_3769.jpg] [Image: IMG_3770.jpg] [Image: IMG_3771.jpg]

And then I noticed something....not good. Even though the bridge was even with the benchwork on both sides, it wasn't level. Something was wrong.. really wrong.

It appears I have what looks like a slight bulge in my benchwork. On the Elmwood side you can see it (how I missed it so far I have no idea), but it's not that big a deal. It actually adds a little natural looking hill in the benchwork. But on the river side, the river is cut right almost at the apex of the bulge, so I ended up with river banks at two different levels.

How much of difference?

[Image: IMG_3775.jpg]

It looks worse that it really is though. A little extra cork, a Woodland Scenic riser and then all will be well. Just a little added work, though I guess I'm just more annoyed that I didn't see this a long time ago.

So anyway.... I wasn't going to let this stop progress. Today I began securing in the first sections of the track.

[Image: IMG_3772.jpg] [Image: IMG_3773.jpg] [Image: IMG_3774.jpg]

I began at the bridge and worked westward, installing the switch and junction line. I'm using Latex Caulk w/Silicone for securing the track in place.

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