Bonus Room Shelf Layout
No problem, Ralph. These were on the computer...I had taken them sometime a couple years ago.

The trees in the pictures are stand-ins. Recently, when working on the grade crossing guard tower, I made two Woodland Scenics gnarled metal trees and used the leftover tree material on a lettuce-root armature/trunk to make a third. One of the metal trees made it on the tower diorama. The other will be next to the MOW shed on the timesaver, and the lettuce root tree in a group of rocks.

Here's another view of the steamboat landing/depot at Silver Springs.


I probably won't have an passenger consists that long typically run to Murdock's Landing, but perhaps at the height of the tourist season it'd be fun. I'd love to see the wheel arrangement on that ACL steamer, and I think Ambroid/Northeastern makes a ventilated box car like the one shown.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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