Input on a "Temporary" Shelf Track Plan
Brakie Wrote:
steinjr Wrote:Mmm - looks a little bit on the track heavy side. I guess it really depends on what you are trying to model on your temporary layout.

How about something with fewer turnouts and more scenery? Here is e.g. a quick sketch of a layout somewhat inspired by Bill Dixon's Tymesaver on Carl Arendt's Micro Layouts site (in scrapbook 53:

[Image: RIP01c.jpg]

In the drawing above, green cars are inbound cars, orange cars are cars to be picked up, blue cars are cars to be left where they are or re-spotted after switching. Engine is portrayed by a GP40-2 in the drawing - I don't have any steam engines in my program car library.

Might give you some more ideas about what kind of things you want on your layout (and what kind of things you don't want on your layout, too) Goldth


Question..Why would you want to block the only run around track?

Think the owners of that warehouse is going to be happy every time you move their cars?

I think they would have some words for your freight agent along this line..

Sorry,but due to the constant moving of our cars we decided we will ship and recieve by truck.

Why I drew it like that? Because I tried to stay within a plan depth of 7", which is not all that deep, using no 6 turnouts only. Some compromises had to be made to make stuff fit within those parameters. So I made some compromises.

By all means - feel totally free to draw a better plan for Fluesheet. I am very sure it can be done. The plan provided by Jack e..g looks very good to me as a general switching plan, and illustrates beautifully that adding just a tiny bit of depth (a couple of inches) and also using other turnouts than straight no 6 turnouts can create a far more interesting plan.

Oh - and the little people on my layout do as I tell them - I am the benevolent but absolute dictator of my own little world <evil laugh> .... Goldth


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