My Z scale layouts from start to ???
Ok this is where all you lucky people get to look over my shoulder as I stumble through the construction of my new portable Z scale layout.

First up here are two pics showing the basic construction of the layout table.There is nothing fancy about it but it will be nice and sturdy.

First pic is of the table top. It is nothing more than a 1/4" plywood handy panel sanded one side.

[Image: z1pic.jpg]

The top will be covered with expanded polystyrene (you know "blueboard"). I haven't really decided what thickness yet though I am leaning toward 2" so I can get some decent below grade scenery.This will be surounded on all 4 sides by masonite.

Second pic is of the bottom,here I splurged some and bought a better grade of material.The framing is of premium grade wood that used to be called screen stock because that was the origonal intended use of this very stable and straight wood. The framework is attached to the plywood top with 1"drywall screws.

[Image: z2pic.jpg]

The trackplan is going to be pretty simple not much more than a single loop with a couple of sidings for good measure.Anyway now you've seen the start of it.
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"

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