Bonus Room Shelf Layout
ocalicreek Wrote:Thanks for the confirmation, Russ. It is a fun little layout, and in need of a few more things to finish it. The water on one side bubbled in the sun Eek sitting on my back porch down in La Mirada and really needs to be removed and replaced. Not a hard task, but not one I'm looking forward to. The remainder is fun stuff - adding another small structure, detailing, trees, etc.

Then there's the task of coming up with a way to protect it for transport. I want to employ the kiss principle, but have also got delusional dreams of grandeur about a nice wooden box with brass hardware, space to store rolling stock & power supply, etc. Maybe when I get more involved with local rails up here I'll find the motivation to build some sort of protective cover. It needs something to protect the investment of time detailing it.


I think I would plan to use separate boxes for rolling stock and just make a box/cover big enough to cover and protect the time saver if it was me. I think the lightest but strong enough method would be to pick up some of the aluminum angle stock from Home Depot, Lowes, or whatever hardware store is in your area, some door skin material, and screws, nuts, and washers. Then use the aluminum to reinforce all of the corners. You could also pick up a piece of flat stock and a couple of gate pull handles large enough for your hands for handles. Make the cover just tall enough to clear the tallest detail by an inch or so. You could either always install the cover with the timesaver on a flat surface, or screw on a piece of molding along the bottom of the frame as a stop. Set the cover in place and drill holes and use screws and nuts to fasten the cover in place. The club is using a similar design for a cover for our turntable that we bought with a roundhouse for the modular railroad since you were living down here.

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