Bonus Room Shelf Layout
Okay...plunked down some hard-earned greenbacks at HD tonight and brought home some Rubbermaid track shelving componants. I took a second look at the space and after consulting a few online resources on such methods decided I could get away with half as many supports as I had originally thought. When I put up the shelving back at our previous house I was also using it for heavy magazines so I had one upright on each stud, every 16". Here I will use half as many. Factoring in the bits left over from the previous use I was able to save quite a bit this way both dollars and hours - I think it'll be worth it to get trains running sooner.

Tomorrow, hopefully, I will spend some time installing the uprights. When they are in place I'll be able to make a better decision as to whether or not I want to go with an upper shelf and fascia/lighting combo or forego any upper shelf/fascia and re-use the suspended track lighting from our bedroom. With two primarily long & narrow scenes it may be just fine to depend on room lighting and spots that can be aimed/directed for particular scenes.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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